Thursday, March 11, 2010

Cough Cough

SO CONGRADULATIONS MY HIGH SCHOOL FRIENDS!!! IT IS SPRING BREAK. I hope you are having a hell of a better time than i am. So yeah, i am currently sitting in my moms room, living off of gingerale and whatever is soft enough to swallow... SICK with one of the most server cases of strep throat my doctor has ever seen.... for those who dont know, strep is when you have bllisters in the back of your throat... and lucky me... i am covered in them... or rather my throat is!!! but that is getting into too much detail

So yeah, dont get me wrong, i have had strep before, i practicly get it every year, but it usually starts on day 1, feels unbarable but has reached its peak on day 2 and begining of day 3 and by day 4, is is USUALLY better....

this is my sickness schedule..
DAY 1- (sunday) wake up to find throat is really dry, drank lots of water through out day figuring i was dehydrated and ignored it.
DAY 2 - (monday) wake up, take a shower, vomit EVERY WHERE, head feels like im on drugs, nose clogged, ears keep popping, sleep all day, think i am going to die
DAY 3 - (tuesday) wake up and am able to swallow. Think i am starting to get over illness...thinking 24 hour flu or something. Go to specialist appointment with runny nose and headache... easily ignorable.
DAY 4 - Wake up surprise to find it hurts like a bitch to swallow... head hurts and nose and ears are worse that yeaterday. Asked if wanting to go to doctor... say wait it out another day, sure it is just a back fire for taking on too much yesterday
DAY 5 - dad wake me up, asks how my throat is, i cry cuz it hurts like a (words wanting to use here are not suitable for children of small ages) ask to go to doctor. Doctor checks me out, bad case of strep, boo hoo, take these pills for the next 5 days and go away. do as asked. Go home, and live off of gingerale and soft foods (AKA BANANAS)
DAY 6 - we have yet to find out... DUN DUN DUN DAAAAAAAA

okay, so i just gave you a very detailed description of my very crappy spring break so far... i am hoping my second week wont suck AS bad....


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