Saturday, March 27, 2010

How to train your dragon.

Best movie ever. In 3D it actually feels like you can touch what you are seeing on screen. Toothless, the dragon who is initially trained, is the cutest thing in the WHOLE entire world. Hiccup, the main character, is humorous and loving and all around such a great main character, and his narration at the beining and ending of the movie are pricless. There are GREAT and funny quotes that come from him throughout the movie. Again i say, all around a perfect movie!

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Doesnt that one word just make you sick? School... EW... i am having troubles just writing it. and i have to actually go to the PLACE tomorrow. EWEWEWEW!!! it literally starts in like 12 hours.. OMG i am having like a panic attack. EWWWWWWWW! AHHHHHH OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG!!! this is so unbearable!!!! god... i hope tomorrow never comes. I would be totally content if time stopped like NOW!!! now... now... now!!! this obviously is NOT working..

okay i am going to stop this confusing rant now and go cry in a corner.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I grew up with the shadows in my room whispering things to me i didnt want to hear. I dont remember much of those days, but i remember the 8 years i had to sleep in my moms bed because of my fears. To this day i can not stand to look at shadows, and am scared shitless of the dark.
My mom said it was a psychic ability... firends call it active imagination... i personally dont even know.

I was always facinated with the idea of paganism and witchcraft, i even looked up spells on the internet for hours on end when i was younger, but the truth is, its not going to be like in the movies or shows where the girl gets magical powers and saves the world on a weekly basis. I wish. it is more of a sense of mind than anything else.

To this day i think it would be awesome to be a witch. i think it would be awesoem to have the dedication to such an awesoem religon as pagonism. I think the whole topic is facinating. I hope one day i look more into it. For now, i will read articals, maybe a few books, and watch movies about it, but i am not nearly mature enough to fully take on such a great religon

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Yes, i was that bored, i am sick which you know if you have read my earlier post... ANYWAYS i made a list of every song sung in the tv drama/comedy GLEE in every episode aired thus far....

here you go:

-Where is the love (sung by the old glee teacher and random student)
- Respect (sung by mercedes in her glee audition)
-Mr, Cellophane (sung by Kurt in his audition)
-I kissed a girl (sung by tina in her audition)
- On my own ( I know this is sung by Rachel but not sure if it was suring audtions or when she was nararating)
- Sit down your rocking the boat (first song the glee group sings together)
-Cant fight this feeling (sung by Finn in the shower)
-Lovin’, touchin’, squeezin’ (sung by finn as a kid and his moms [at the time] boy friend)
- Rehab (sung by vocal adrenaline…rival glee club)
-don’t stop believing (new directions [the name of the schools glee club])

-Le Freak (new directions)
-Gold Digger (will [mr. Shu(ester)])
-All by myself (Emma)
-Push it (new directions at assembly)
-I say a little prayer (Quinn and other cheerleaders audition)
-Take a bow (Rachel)

- This is how we do it (Will, the guy that works with Will’s wife, the PE teacher and another guy I cant remember)
- Poison (Acefellas… the name of the boy band the four create)
-Mercy (vocal adrenaline)
-Bust your windows (Mercedes when kurt tells her he likes Rachel)
-I wanna sex you up (acafellas)

-Single ladies (sung by beyonce but performed by Kurt, Brittney and Tina at beginning of show then again on the football field)
-Taking chances (Rachel)
-Tonight (tina)

Rhodes not taken
-don’t stop believing (sung again, new directions w/o Rachel)
-maybe this time (switching back and forth between April[guest star] and Rachel)
-cabaret (sung by Rachel)
-Alone (April and will at the bowling alley)
-Last name (April and new directions on stage)
-Somebody to love (sung by new directions with Rachel back)

Vitamin D
-It’s my life/Confessions part II (guys)
-Halo/ Walking on Sunshine (Females)

-Hate on me (Mercedes and Tina)
-Ride with me (new directions)
-No air (Rachel and finn have leads but new will’s group (glee club is split because of Sue) sings back ground)
-You keep hangin on (Quinn)
-Keep holding on (everyone at the end.. basicly for Quinn because she is kicked of cheerleading squad cause she is pregnant)

-Bust a Move (Will with glee club singing backup)
-thong song (Will when teaching emma to dance)
-what a girl wants (Rachel)
-Sweet Caroline (Puck and new directions)
-Sing, sing, sing (Sue and Will)
-I could have danced all night (emma)

-Dancing with Myself (sung by artie in another Hallway montage)
-Defying gravity (once by Kurt and once by Rachel)
-Proud Mary (sung by new directions in wheel chairs)

-Endless love (Rachel and Will)
-I’ll Stand by you( Finn)
-Don’t stand so close/young girl (will sung to Rachel)
-Crush (Rachel)
-Youre having my baby (only half of the song was sung before interrupted but sung by Finn to Quinn and her parents)
-Lean on me (new directions)

-Bootylicious (jane adams school choir)
-Don’t make me over (Mercedes)
-You’re the one that I want (not fully sung but with Rachel and Finn..rachel was in a full black cat suit like Sandy from grease…lol.)
-Papa don’t Preach(sung by Quinn, guitar by Puck when babysitting)
-Hair/Crazy in love( new direction with wings)
-Imagine (starts off by deaf kids but new directions joins in)
-True colors (Tina stars, everyone else is back up. They all wear different color shirts and sit on tall stools for this one. I ingoyed it a lot)

-Smile( Rachel and finn, Rachel is teaching finn how to smile for yearbook)
-When your’re smiling (not sung with music, and only a few lines)
-Jump (sung by new directions in a mattress comeercial…well done)
-Smile (different from the first song. Sung by new directions)

-And I am telling you I’m not going (sung by Mercedes because she wants to sing the Ballad then again by Jane adams girls choir when they stole their set list at sectionals)
-Proud Mary (Jane adams girls choir when they stole New directions set list in sectionals)
-Don’t stop believing (sung by deaf kids, badly as you can imagin, when they too stole the set list for sectionals)
-Don’t rain on my parade (sung by Rachel for their final performance in sectionals because their set list was stolen and they needed new songs…one of my favouites)
-You cant always get what you want (new directions.) would suck without you (sung by glee kids to Will as thank you.)

Cough Cough

SO CONGRADULATIONS MY HIGH SCHOOL FRIENDS!!! IT IS SPRING BREAK. I hope you are having a hell of a better time than i am. So yeah, i am currently sitting in my moms room, living off of gingerale and whatever is soft enough to swallow... SICK with one of the most server cases of strep throat my doctor has ever seen.... for those who dont know, strep is when you have bllisters in the back of your throat... and lucky me... i am covered in them... or rather my throat is!!! but that is getting into too much detail

So yeah, dont get me wrong, i have had strep before, i practicly get it every year, but it usually starts on day 1, feels unbarable but has reached its peak on day 2 and begining of day 3 and by day 4, is is USUALLY better....

this is my sickness schedule..
DAY 1- (sunday) wake up to find throat is really dry, drank lots of water through out day figuring i was dehydrated and ignored it.
DAY 2 - (monday) wake up, take a shower, vomit EVERY WHERE, head feels like im on drugs, nose clogged, ears keep popping, sleep all day, think i am going to die
DAY 3 - (tuesday) wake up and am able to swallow. Think i am starting to get over illness...thinking 24 hour flu or something. Go to specialist appointment with runny nose and headache... easily ignorable.
DAY 4 - Wake up surprise to find it hurts like a bitch to swallow... head hurts and nose and ears are worse that yeaterday. Asked if wanting to go to doctor... say wait it out another day, sure it is just a back fire for taking on too much yesterday
DAY 5 - dad wake me up, asks how my throat is, i cry cuz it hurts like a (words wanting to use here are not suitable for children of small ages) ask to go to doctor. Doctor checks me out, bad case of strep, boo hoo, take these pills for the next 5 days and go away. do as asked. Go home, and live off of gingerale and soft foods (AKA BANANAS)
DAY 6 - we have yet to find out... DUN DUN DUN DAAAAAAAA

okay, so i just gave you a very detailed description of my very crappy spring break so far... i am hoping my second week wont suck AS bad....