Thursday, November 5, 2009

A little about me

So I am doing this via blackberry. I tried doing homework....I failed epicily. I am sad to say its not the first time. Anyway I thought I should tell you a little about me. My name is Vanessa Vendrasco-Aere, thus the origins of VaVAvoom. The first Va from Vanessa and the second VA from the first letters of my last names. It was my English teacher last year who have me the catch phrase. Anyways... Moving on....

I am 15 years old and my sweet 16 will be in 5 months give or take a few days. I am in grade 10 at a delta school I feel oddly uncomfortable naming... You can never be to careful over the internet... Although I guess you could just google me. Okay...moving on once more...I am Italian through and through... And I have the mouth to prove it. Lol.
Although I wasn't born in Italy there are like 14 generations of Italians on my moms side and 10 on my dads... So we are very Italian in my house hold.
I used to dance, for like over 7 years but I was in a car accident and banged up my neck and shoulder and pretty badly forcing me to quit. So now I spend most of my time reading and writing. I am actually in the midst of a book. But that comes later. I also love my friends and you will here a lot about them in this blog. I love to chill with them and have parties and have fun. So, that is me. I will try to write as often as I can but I really should get back to my homework.

And I'm off,

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